
Price action trading strategy indicators






Price action trading strategy indicators

Indicator file + manual

5 reasons why it’s a basic tool

Low barrier to entry
Even if you are a new trader, you can easily and successfully trade with the help of Agatha. If you encounter problems, you will always have any support.

Market signals
In the midst of market chaos, the system will find the key points where the crowd rejects itself when forming the next price movement

System resilience
It is always relevant to any time frame and asset and any financial mechanism.

Specific entry points
Signals are understandable, they are formed by rules that are transparent, without hidden conditions and open algorithms

Main advantages
Not a linear approach
The system has a wide range of instrumental solutions that allow to accurately predict the schedule in any case, coordinated into a single trading network

Experimental algorithms Optimization
To maximum efficiency, the algorithm will not fail and will not make you doubt the correctness of the signal

Non-discrete analysis
Every day the market is different and it is not possible to trade through patterns to achieve results based on one or another pattern. Therefore, the system is not based on a template, but is rejected by the market itself High

Mathematical expectations
Long-term stable deposit growth without significant retracements – this task is within the system’s capabilities Large amount

Price factors
Collecting particles that move prices to the most important elements of a single signal, you can obtain reliable forecasts



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